Has your blog gone stale because you’re not releasing new content? Are you also looking for a new income stream? We’ve got a solution for you. What if you could get new blog posts and be paid for your editorial time?
Sound too good to be true? It’s not anymore! We’ve created the first guest post marketplace, where writers are looking for publishers like yourself. You get to set your own prices, terms, and conditions and we bring in the interested writers for you.
In this tutorial, we will show you how easy it is to get started. It’s really easy!
1. Create an account
First things first, register for a free account at Accessily.
2. Add your website

Next, add your website by going to:
- Seller Dashboard
- Add a website
- Fill in your website info
- Add a description
- Select “Buyer” and “Accessily Writers” for who will write the content
- Select your publishing turnaround time and requirements (eword count, example of previous post quality, etc)

3. Respond to requests
Once your website is manually reviewed, you will get added to the marketplace and writers will start contacting you. It’s your responsibility to respond to all requests and approve or deny content. There will be an easy to use article manager for you to view the content.
If you approve it, you will need to publish it within the time frame agreed.
That’s all there is to it! It’s simple, easy to use, and you will have a new flow of content for your website.
Why you should accept guest posts
Here are the top 5 reasons:
- A blog is an ideal way to grow audience from organic search results. But, if you aren’t publishing blog posts consistently, you’re missing out on additional traffic to your site.
- Guest posts provide new topics, ideas, or ways of saying something that you might not have otherwise thought of. Your usual audience gets a fresh perspective. Especially if you’re experiencing writer’s block or burnout,
- Guests posts give you, the publisher, editorial control over the content. You’re NOT required to publish something that doesn’t meet your quality standards. You can ask for revisions or outright reject a request.
- If you’re needing an additional income stream, guest posts can provide that and allow fit into the regular flow of your website. You don’t have to do anything new that’s time consuming and it’s something that you’re already familiar with, but you skip the step of writing it yourself.
- They can keep your blog from becoming stale. A website’s blog is usually the first place that a visitor looks if they want to see if the company is on top of their game. When was their most recent blog post? How often and consistently do they post? A lively blog is a sign of a lively company. By leveraging guest posts, you can keep your blog lively for your visitors and also allow you to focus your time on other priorities for the week.
Why you should NOT accept guest posts
Accepting guest posts isn’t for everyone. Here are some reason why not to accept guest posts:
- Although guest posts can save you a lot of time by providing free content, if you’re too busy to respond to requests, it just won’t work. It does require responding within a few days and reviewing submitted content. It’s not a lot of time, but it’s not zero time either. So please keep this in mind.
- If you’re already producing many blog posts per week, you should consider if you even need another. Are your users already overwhelmed by new content? There is such a thing as “too much of a good thing can be bad”.
- You feel bad rejecting poor quality articles and will accept anything, even when you shouldn’t. At Accessily, we want publishers to feel happy about their work and retain their editorial rights. It’s up to you to make sure a guest post meets your quality standards. So you will need to be sure you contact the writer if something isn’t up to par.