Content Marketing, SEO

Guest Post Service Vs. Accessily: Finding the Best Guest Post Platform (Updated 2025)

The Accessily Guest Post Marketplace Platform was developed with a vision to revolutionize guest posting. We wanted to introduce something new that could change the digital marketing and SEO game (Check our blog post Important SEO Questions Answered (Updated 2025)).

We wanted to build something that makes your marketing plan simpler, that every business owner/marketer can do without paying 3 times the industry average money & time. That is why we founded Accessily.

So, when we first started to work on the business plan we wrote down all the problems we had to handle as marketer and business owner, especially in the SEO area and we discovered a lot of issues with the services on the market.

Now, a few years in, we wanted to re-evaluate by doing a deep dive on the guest post outreach services on the market and comparing them to Accessily to make sure we are still offering the best solution with our guest post and creator marketplace. 

Before we hop into our analysis let’s review the basics: 

What is Guest Posting? 

Guest posting is a content marketing and SEO strategy where content about your website is posted on another site, this can be a blog post, an article, or another form of content. Guest posts also include a buying a backlink which helps your website rank higher in organic search results

This unique method combines the benefits of content marketing with the benefits of SEO. This leads to a majorly impressive return on investment. Originally, Guest posting was complicated because the only option was to manually outreach to blogs in your niche, which is both time-consuming and labor-intensive. Then many companies stepped in and created solutions from guest post service to outreach service to marketplaces.

What is a Guest Post Service? 

A guest post service offers you the ability to buy a guest post that the service finds on your behalf. Rather than purchasing a specific guest post on a specific website, these services sell a general guest post with certain criteria (minimum domain authority, minimum traffic), and then the services reach out to the websites they have relationships with to find a fit.

The turnaround time for these services varies but the lack of transparency does not. Let’s take a closer look at the guest post service to see that in action. 

The Hoth Vs. Accessily Marketplace

The Hoth is an SEO and digital marketing service, and they have a popular manual guest post service.

We checked out the process of purchasing a guest post through their guest post service so that you can see how it works and what information is available to you throughout the process.

First, you go to the guest post outreach page of their website where they describe the general benefits of guest posting.

 At the end of the page, you can request a sample price sheet for guest posts through their guest post service. However, there are no previews of the specific websites that are available. This shows an initial lack of information and transparency for this guest post service.

Then after you have requested this list, they give you the option to select “Get Started” if you want to purchase a guest post using their guest post service.

Here you choose between a monthly recurring or a one-time purchase of their guest post service. You also choose here whether you want the ‘criteria’ of the post to be on Domain Authority or Publisher Traffic. Basically here you are deciding which measurement you want the Hoth to focus on. Right off the bat, the minimum prices for these options are high: 

We selected Domain Authority for this example. From here the website shows you a price calculator that combines the required domain authority and the length of the article. The cheapest option is a domain authority of 10+ and a 500 word count article. 

100 dollars for a short article on a very low domain authority website (PBN) seemed expensive to us. But it only got more expensive. The most expensive option was a domain authority of 50+ and a 2,000 word article. 

While not unheard of $575 is pretty expensive for a mystery website guest post and the domain authority that they guarantee is still not super high. This guest post service so far has high prices and low guarantees.

On Accessily, you can explore options based on Domain Authority and find options in the 60+, 70+, 80+ and even 90+ categories easily. And many of them are more affordable, and you would know exactly which website the guest post will be on. That seems better then the mystery guest post that this guest post service offers, in our opinion.

Back to The Hoth. So at this point in the process you choose your domain authority and word count and click order now. 

Then you re-enter and confirm the guest post order information. At this point, they ask you for your payment information to proceed. So before you know what exactly they ask from you and what you are able to customize. They are asking you to pay before you know about how much input you can give on the guest post!

Then when you get to the inputs, the only information The Hoth asks for is your primary URL and your anchor text.  It does not ask you for your industry or niche, or for the style of article you would like or give you any room to input information that you would like to have included in the article. Basically they have complete control of the content and the location of the guest post from this point on.

They do also ask for permission to edit your imputed Anchor Text if they are able to find a better quality backlink opportunity with different text. 

After you enter these three inputs your order is complete and in the hands of The Hoth until you have a Guest Post.

In addition, their timeline indicates that this process can take up to 30 days. 

Pros of the Hoth Guest Post Service: 

  • Guarantees a Guest Post with a Permanent Backlink
  • Does the manual outreach for you

Cons of the Hoth Guest Post Service: 

  • No option to indicate niche or industry 
  • No preview of the types of websites 
  • No ability to edit or approve the guest post
  • No communication with publishers 
  • Strict Budget for each domain authority and word count (No Competitive Rates) 
  • Payment upfront of the process of ordering
  • 30+ day process 

Overall this service has a very generalized pricing system and fairly expensive prices for guest blog outreach and content. In addition there is almost no transparency in the process and no input, review or manage the guest post content about your website. 

Fatjoe Blogger Outreach Service Vs. Accessily Marketplace

FatJoe is a link-building and content creation service that strives to improve SEO for companies and agencies. They offer a blogger guest post service for guest posts specifically on blogs. 

Let’s take a look at their service.

First, you head to the Blogger Guest Post Service page and immediately are shown the prices for different tiers of outreach. Similarly to The Hoth, you can choose based on Domain Authority from 10+ to 50+. However, this service appears to only sell 500-word blog posts, because none of the options featured a higher word count. 

Here you can see their cheapest option: 

And there most expensive option: 

FatJoe does differ from The HOTH in the guarantees for the price, they promise a traffic level based on SEMrush analytics and they promise that the domain authority based on both Moz and Ahrefs. The Hoth does not specify how the Domain Authority they use is calculated.

In addition it says that the guest posts are “From 14 Days”.

It is unclear if that means the post will be delivered in 14 days or whether the process will start at that point. 

If you want to continue, at this point you select a tier and click order now. This brings you to a quantity input page. 

Here you can select the quantity of guest posts you want to order in each tier. 

After you input the quantity, you are prompted to input the information for your guest post. They also ask for your URL and anchor text, but they also provide a box for additional input. However, that box comes with a disclaimer that requests are not guaranteed

After putting in these inputs you are prompted to pay for the guest post and then the process is in the hands of the FATjoe team. 

Again, this outreach service provided no transparency about what guest post you are ultimately buying. However, they at least let you see the input page before paying and offer a box to add information. It seems a little useless though considering anything you write in that box is not guaranteed to happen.

Pros of FATJoe Guest Post Service: 

  • Gives you some chance to input information 
  • Guarantees a Guest Post with a certain Moz & Ahref Domain Authority 
  • Guarantees a certain monthly SEMRush traffic 

Cons of FATJoe Guest Post Service: 

  • No option to indicate niche or industry 
  • No preview of the types of websites 
  • No ability to edit or approve the guest post
  • No communication with publishers 
  • Strict Budget for each domain authority
  • 14+ day process 

And the Winner IS… 

Accessily Guest Post Marketplace

Now that we’ve taken a close look at the two biggest guest post services, let’s take a closer look at Accessily so we can compare. 

The first step is to create an Accessily account. You can create a basic account for free or get full access with Accessily Plus. Once you’ve made your account you log in to get started. 

Then you can enter the Accessily Marketplace, and you are asked to select up to five categories that relate to your niche and industry. 

Then you are shown a customized results page based on your imputed industry information. You can also further refine your results with the filters at the top of the marketplace page. 

Here you can put the domain authority you need (from 0 to 100, not just 50+), the language of the website, the type of website, and the price range. After you can set your budget and your other preferences, you can easily see what guest post opportunities match it! This offers you so much more customization and decision-making power compared to either guest post service.

At this point you can see 24 at a time (also for custom searches) amazing guest post opportunities on the free Accessily Basic plan. For just $11.99 a month or $119 a year you can see and choose from all of the guest post options in the Accessily Marketplace. 

With Accessily, the process is completely transparent, you immediately know what website your guest post will be on when you order and you know the price for the exact domain authority and monthly traffic of that specific site. Basically you know what you are paying for! 

You might be thinking, well choosing all of these posts takes a lot of time. We also have a solution for that, the campaign function! With this function you are able to set all the criteria for your guest post campaign and a budget, and the campaign will automatically match you with guest post opportunities and purchase them.

This differs from the guest post service because you are notified of the guest posts immediately as they are purchased and you can always review the publication and cancel the order if it does not fit your goals. The transparency, turnaround time, and satisfaction is much better in our campaigns than in guest post services because of our constant communication and the greater amount of inputs we provide in the process to guarantee a good guest post fit. 

Let’s take a look at how an Accessily Guest Post campaign works. 

First you select your campaign type: 

The types come with different benefits and each have a monthly fee. Once you’ve chosen your campaign type you can input all the customized information that the algorithm uses to find perfect guest post matchs. 

First you input your main guest post goal, traffic or SEO. 

Then you select the relevant fields for your guest post: 

You can select up to five of these industry/niche categories. The next step is inputting the split you would like to have between traditional guest posts on blogs and websites and posts of social platforms like Instagram and Quora. (If you want to learn more about the benefits of guest posting on Quora you can check out our Quora case study here.) 

Here you also select the language of the guest post. As you can see we offer a diverse number of languages, more than any other guest post service or outreach service. 

Then you input the information on the guest post itself. This is only relevant if you select the seller content writing service. If you provide your own content (which is an option!) then your content will simply be used. 

This section gives you the opportunity to give input into the guest post that is not available when you use guest post services like the Hoth or FatJoe. After this step, you simply input your payment information and your campaign is all set! If you are uploading your own content you simply add it to the articles library and if you are using a seller content writing service you don’t need to take any other action. 

In a few easy steps you are able to set up a fully automated, transparent, satisfaction guaranteed guest post campaign! 

You have control throughout the guest post campaign process, whether you buy a guest post from the marketplace or set up a guest post campaign.

When you check out you can choose to upload the content yourself or use a content writing service. When the guest post is ready to go live on the website you have 72 hours to review the post before it is posted, so that you can communicate with the publisher if you need to change anything.

You can track the process in our all-in-one dashboard, and you can monitor the analytics and ROI after the guest post is published! 

Accessily Pros: 

  • Ability to customize opportunities by niche or industry 
  • Ability to filter by exact domain authority, traffic, language and more
  • Ability to manage and track the content after purchase
  • Full transparency in what you are purchasing 
  • A Permanent high-quality backlink 

Accessily Cons: 

  • Let us know! If you have any feedback for how we can improve our service please reach out. Are there any guest post service features you want to see on Accessily?
  • But right now we couldn’t think of any, the Accessily Creator Market really seems like a win-win to us 

Accessily vs. Guest Post Service: The Best Solution for Guest Posting is …

Accessily! The benefits of guest posting are incredible for SEO, brand awareness, and increasing traffic so it makes sense that many people will want to use a guest post service for their website! The results are very clear and Accessily Marketplace is leading the industry with the best tool to buy, track and manage your guest posting campaigns with 180 days money-back guarantee and 24 hours customer success team.

2 Guest Post Campaign Case Studies: Impressive SEO Results

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